
Jalvis Health

Health & Fitness – By Vishal Dutia

29 Yoga Tips and Tricks

As I stumbled around the Internet the last few evenings searching for something interesting to write about – I came across numerous sites offering a Yoga Tips and suggestions section – most with plenty of suggestions related to the physical aspects, but only a rare few that covered all the holistic components of Yoga…and by that I mean mind, body, spirit, and environment.

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5 At-Home Pilates Exercises Borrowed from the Reformer

Get a great resistance workout—no machine necessary.

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This 20-Minute Tabata Workout Beats an Hour on the Treadmill

The workout: Do each move for 20 seconds at maximum effort, resting for 10 seconds in between. Rest for one minute. Repeat for a total of four rounds.

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7 Ways to Make Water Taste Better

Not everybody has a taste for water, but we all need it to ensure that our bodies continue functioning properly. If you want to drink more water, but aren't crazy about the taste (or lack thereof), here are some tips... Continue Reading →

Anti-ageing hormone may ease vaginal dryness

The anti-aging hormone DHEA appears to reduce discomfort during sex in postmenopausal women, with minimal side effects.

Can exercise offset damaging effects of alcohol?

A study found that just 2.5 hours of physical activity a week could reduce the harmful effects of alcohol in drinkers all over the world.

45 best health tips ever

We've done the legwork for you and here they are: the 45 best health tips. Give yourself a boost.

The 7 Essential Rules To Optimum Health & Weight Loss

We live in an information overloaded society. There has not been a moment in history when information has been this available, right at our fingertips. By typing one simple phrase, we now get hundreds, thousands, sometimes even millions of answers to our... Continue Reading →

How Many Calories Do You Need to Eat Per Day?

Food contains calories. Your body uses these as fuel for weight lifting, walking, reading, … If you don’t eat enough calories, you’ll lack energy. This post will teach you how to determine your daily caloric needs. The Simple Way. Use... Continue Reading →

Why Healthy Nutrition is Important (and Why NOT)

The 8 nutrition rules recommend you to eat healthy 90% of the time. But what is healthy nutrition? And why does healthy nutrition matter anyway? This post will explain you why healthy nutrition is important, and why not. Example of... Continue Reading →

100 Beginner Running Tips

Apparel Tips Wear spandex shorts under your regular running shorts so you don’t chafe “down there.” Cotton socks will only lead to blisters; invest in socks designed for running. Ladies, do not skimp on a bra. Even if it costs... Continue Reading →

How To Build Muscle: The Definitive Guide to Building Muscle

If you would like to build muscle, then here is how I’ve gained 43lb of muscle in Belgium, and how you can gain as much muscle in America (or elsewhere). The secret to gaining muscle is to get stronger. The... Continue Reading →

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